If you are on a healing journey or are awakening to the spiritual side of yourself you will already know much about the Chakras.
Chakras are like energy wheels within our bodies - energy centres where our life force moves to and flows through - that are responsive to movement, pranayama, and meditation. There are seven main chakras throughout the body (there are actually more). Each relating to different physical attributes, emotions and issues.
Chakras can become blocked and cause issues that manifest in physical forms such as illness, pain, disease. A healthy chakra system = a healthy physical body and mind. A healthy chakra system is the gateway to spiritual enlightenment, cosmic travel, psychic ability etc. When our chakra's are open and balanced, energy can run through them freely, creating harmony between body, mind and spirit.
When a chakra is blocked or imbalanced, it means energy is not running freely. When energy does not run freely, it makes it more difficult for your body to release negative energies, emotional challenges and trauma.
Our energetic health is THE MOST IMPORTANT health to keep in check. It often goes un-noticed until, one day, the physical body stops. Your body will come to a halt, whether that's through mental health breakdown, disease or pain that literally stops you in your tracks and forces you to re-evaluate everything. WE don't have to wait for this point however, we can start looking after our energetic healthy today by education, understanding what our energy field is, how to cleanse and protect it, how to meditate to heal, and how to increase ones frequency so that this universal energy can flow through the body and improve health, wellness and tap into your authentic best self, living a more balanced and fulfilling life.
But the great news is that there are many ways to open or balance the chakra's.
Chakra work is a great step to healing and living a high vibe life which will lead to living life abundantly as the limitless being that you are. And this page is dedicated to all things chakra.
Learn more about the chakra's and their importance for our physical and mental health. Get your free copy of our E Book: The Chakra's and the Importance of a Healthy Chakra system, worth £12.99 completely FREE to download instantly here.
In this E Book learn:
- Benefits of this E Book here

Join us as we work thorough all 7 of the chakra's to restore and balance. Start with the root chakra and work through at your own pace. Each 20 min meditation comes with it's own Chakra Depth Guidebook to help you fully understand that particular chakra. We recommend you work with one chakra for the week, doing the meditation daily for the full 7 days before moving onto the next chakra. On download, these guides + meditations are yours forever to go at your own pace or come back to time and time again on your own journey.
FREE 7 Day Root Chakra Grounding Meditation + free Root Chakra in Depth E Book & Root journal
7 Day Sacral Chakra Meditation £2.99 + free Sacral Chakra in Depth E Book & Sacral journal
7 Day Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation £2.99 + free Solar Plexus Chakra in Depth E Book & Solar journal
7 Day Heart Chakra Meditation £2.99 + free Heart Chakra in Depth E Book & Heart journal
7 Day Throat Chakra Meditation £2.99 + free Throat Chakra in Depth E Book & Throat journal
7 Day Third Eye Chakra Meditation £2.99 + free Third Eye Sacral Chakra in Depth E Book Third Eye journal
7 Day Crown Chakra Meditation £2.99 + free Third Eye Chakra in Depth E Book Crown journal
Get The Full 7 Chakra Meditations Bundle £15 + 7 free individual Chakra in Depth E Book's & journals here to start your full 49 Day programme today for just £15!
Love this accessible series, use in harmony with our Chakra Yoga Flows below.
Join us as we work thorough all 7 of the chakra's to restore and balance. An enlivening kundalini yoga program for each of the 7 chakra's, to give you the tools to work with the seven chakras. Start with the root chakra and work through flows at your own pace. Each 20 min yoga flow comes with it's own Chakra Depth Yoga Guidebook to help you fully understand that particular chakra and the benefits of the practice on that weeks chakra. We recommend you work with one chakra for the week, doing the yoga flow daily for the full 7 days before moving onto the next chakra. On download, these guides + flows are yours forever to go at your own pace or come back to time and time again on your own journey.
FREE 7 Day Root Chakra Grounding Yoga Flow + free Root Chakra in Depth E Book & Root journal
7 Day Sacral Chakra Yoga Flow £2.99 + free Sacral Chakra in Depth E Book & Sacral journal
7 Day Solar Plexus Chakra Yoga Flow £2.99 + free Solar Plexus Chakra in Depth E Book & Solar journal
7 Day Heart Chakra Yoga Flow £2.99 + free Heart Chakra in Depth E Book & Heart journal
7 Day Throat Chakra Yoga Flow £2.99 + free Throat Chakra in Depth E Book & Throat journal
7 Day Third Eye Chakra Yoga Flow £2.99 + free Third Eye Sacral Chakra in Depth E Book Third Eye journal
7 Day Crown Chakra Yoga Flow £2.99 + free Third Eye Chakra in Depth E Book Crown journal
Get The Full 7 Chakra Yoga Flow Bundle £15 + 7 free individual Chakra in Depth E Book's & journals here to start your full 49 Day programme today for just £15!
Love this series, use in harmony with our Chakra Meditations above.

Tools to help your Chakra Balancing Journey
Clear blockages and allow universal energy to flow to help you live your authentic best self, living a more balanced and fulfilling life. If you are on a healing journey or are awakening to the spiritual side of yourself, use these tools to work with the chakras and come back to whenever you need them.
Brought to you at inclusive affordable prices so healing is not exclusive. If you are struggling to pay, please visit our pay it forward page where we will give you access to the course or programme for just £1. Our whole mission on this site is to help. And if money is the thing that is holding you back, then allow us to give you a helping hand, that many years ago, would have helped us.

FREE Chakra E Book
Chakra Balancing Yoga Flows
Instant Access to our 7 Day Week Yoga Challenge to work with each chakra £2.99 or buy the full 49 Day Chakra Kundalini Yoga Bundle only £15

Chakra Healing Meditations
Instant Access to The 7 Day Week Meditation Challenge to work with each chakra £2.99 or buy the full 49 Day Chakra Meditation Bundle only £15