If you are on a healing journey or are awakening to the spiritual side of yourself. It all starts with the shadow. Going into your shadow (or rather, the unpleasant side of your life experiences) to allow for self awareness, learning, healing and personal growth. This is shadow work.
By doing shadow work, you add light to the hidden or darker aspects of yourself, your past trauma's or dysfunctions. By adding awareness, you can confront and embrace these shadows to heal the subconscious parts that are the causing disease, conflict and lack in your life to become your authentic best self, living a more balanced and fulfilling life.
Shadow work is the first step to healing and living a high vibe life which will lead to living life abundantly as the limitless being that you are.
I have been fascinated by 'the shadow' since my Psychology Science degree way back in 2005. Back then, I was a couple of years into living with Depression. I was drawn to anything and everything self help related. This included information. One of the main reasons I did the Psychology degree, was to gain insight or clarity into my messy mind. The course offered me a lot of debt and more questions than answers. It was in a lecture hall where I was first introduced to Carl Jungs' Volumes, and the term 'The Shadow'. I dismissed it back then as irrelevant for my own journey. Looking back I can see that I was very wrong. In the context of divine timing, I was brought back to the term 'Shadow Work' after a mental break down and the collapse of the version of me that had been propping myself up all these years.​
If you are feeling stuck in your life, low or as though you can't seem to get ahead, if you're in a pattern of behaviour that's not serving you well, the chances are it is your sub-conscious shadow that is at play. Doing shadow work is the first step in self healing and to start living a high vibrational and abundant life that you truly deserve. As is often the case with taking the first steps on a journey, shadow work can be difficult and can bring up many emotions. This is why shadow work is so effective. It's the feeling, accepting and working through of emotions that heal.
When it comes to shadow work, it's important to note that we are not running away from the shadow. We are bringing it into the light, to look at it and feel it. Embrace it and own it. Without shadow work, there is no manifesting. Without shadow work, poor mental health is often at the forefront of life. It all starts with shadow work prompts, journalling and bringing the shadow into the light.
I spent many years avoiding my shadow by being obsessed with building my business and working. No sex, alcohol or drug addictions here, just addicted to working myself to the bone (or a mental breakdown), to keep so busy, so as to not have to acknowledge the shadow (until eventually you will have no choice).
Use the below resources to help gain self awareness, heal emotional wounds and start your healing, spiritual or wellness journey. Click to order a Shadow Work Journalling Book - Beautiful books to journal and bring things to paper. Starting shadow work begins with journalling.

It all starts with the shadow. Inner Work. Going into your shadow (or rather, the unpleasant side of your life experiences) to allow for self awareness, learning, healing and personal growth.
By doing shadow work, you add light to the hidden or darker aspects of yourself, your trauma's or dysfunctions. Confront and embrace these shadows to heal the subconscious parts that are the causing disease, conflict and lack in your life to become the authentic best self, living a more balanced and fulfilling life. Shadow work is the first step to healing and living a high vibe life which will lead to living life abundantly as the limitless being that you are.
Those on a spiritual awakening journey will want to make sure they complete the necessary shadow work to allow for ascension and progression to higher dimensions. You can not move past 4D reality with unhealed trauma. Shadow work can halt accessing or honing in on your own healing/clairvoyance/audience/etc related gifts.
But purely for living a better, more fulfilled life, it really does begin with this inner work.
Bring it into the light
Carl Jung, described the shadow as "the unconscious, or disowned part of the personality", where beliefs that are too painful for the the psyche to bring into conscious awareness are stored into the subconscious. All of the parts of yourself that you despise or loathe and therefore hide and avoid. Frequently these beliefs are rooted in childhood experiences, but they can also be formed from big life experiences at any point in life. These suppressed subconscious feelings, experiences, emotions, beliefs form the shadow. Part of ourselves that we're ashamed of that remain buried in the unconscious until a specific trigger brings them to the surface in ways that create disharmony and pain in your life. A few examples of these kind of triggered behaviours include: anger, jealousy, negative self talk, self esteem issues, depression, anxiety, fears, phobias, addictions - all low vibrational emotions and behaviours.

Tools to help your Shadow Work Journey
Break free from limiting beliefs, behaviours and patterns that keep you stuck with old wounds to become your authentic best self, living a more balanced and fulfilling life. If you are on a healing journey or are awakening to the spiritual side of yourself. It all starts with the shadow.

FREE Shadow Work Prompts
Shadow Work Journals
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