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Writer's pictureFletch

The Characteristics of a Lightworker - The personality traits of lightworkers

Have you ever wondered whether you’re a lightworker? Chances are if you've wondered it. There really is no mistaking the call. You most probably already know that you are.

This post explains what a lightworker is.

What are the characteristics of a light worker.

With a list of the personality traits typical for lightworkers.

If the majority of these traits apply to you. It's highly likely that you are a light worker. So what's next?

We are currently living in a moment in time, that's been prophesied in many ancient sacred texts, as the Age of Light. A time when the light returns to the Earth. Slowly we’ve begun preparing for the Age of Light since a period of enlightenment. This hasn't been a quick process. Since the 1960s, we became more ready and open to this expanded consciousness and ultimately we entered the Age of Light in 2012. The year 2012 was highly misunderstood, and the true meaning was covered under layers of fear and control-driven agendas.

Nevertheless, a powerful shift has happened, and many lightworkers have heard the call and started waking up in massive numbers. There has been a programme of mass awakening. You may have felt it especially so around the C-word lock downs, which is when we saw awakening on another level. What turned out to be a truly awful time for many, was also a time of awakening. Spiritually, many are awakening to their true selves, the way the world works and finding themselves no longer satisfied with once were answers and reasons of society and life itself.

Big questions and big subjects, that if you sit on and feel, you will know answers to depending on where you are in your awakening journey. And perhaps you’re one of the lightworkers yourself, since you’ve been drawn to reading this article. There are no coincidences. Or you may be wondering whether you are a lightworker and it entails? This blog post breaks down the common characteristics of a light worker. Where you go from here... well that's for you to find out.

My awakening happened a long time before lock downs, but it was cemented during this time, where I could no longer go back to the life I was living and I knew that I had to make big changes for me and my family. I'd always asked questions pertaining to who I was? And why I was here? Always kind of knowing the answers, like the answer was within grasping distance, only to know nothing. And carry on doing the best I could in my headspace, my business, my busy life of fear, worry and fight.

Who is a Lightworker?

Lightworkers are souls who have come to Earth, to assist in the effort of changing darkness into light. While this may seem daunting, it is not.

Every fear-based thought, emotion, or behaviour that you opt out of, instead to transmute into light, which then benefits not just yourself but also others, is a sign that you are a lightworker.

The pulling away from mainstream fear and control was a big one for me personally. As you progressively work on grounding more light in all aspects of your being (mental, physical, emotional, spiritual), you also support others in their journey to do the same. Lightworkers are holders of the light, an energy. They use this inner light, first, to heal themselves (to work through the garbage of life experiences / trauma before the awakening - whether that was in past lives, from ancestral trauma or current life trauma) through energy healing - journalling, shadow work, self love, chakra realignment amongst others. To then hold that light to help heal others.

You may be called to become a helping career such as a nurse, or profession that helps. (If you are in any kind of helping profession. You are a Lightworker if you are in a heloing profession, whether you remember your true soul origins or not. Many lightworkers work have creative or artistic jobs that help raise vibration to others or bring the light. But also, lightworkers can often be doing a job that is not right for them. And are awakening to this inner need to hold light for themselves and others, in their awakening. Lightworkers can be any gender, age, location and might only just be realising that they are a light worker, or may be well on their way on a healing journey. For myself, I've always known that I was meant to be doing different things that help on a deeper level than just help. I.e. physically help someone in need. I've always known there has been a bigger picture and like de ja vue, that awakening starts giving glimmers on information and insight, until you just know certain things about what is happening currently here on Earth.

The Characteristics of a Lightworker

  • Lightworkers don’t feel like they “fit in” with the majority of the people in the world. (or often members of their own family).

  • Lightworkers believe they are here for a divine “purpose,” even if they haven’t found out what it is yet, or are religious or spiritual. This knowing nags at Lightworkers and generates a feeling of inner urgency and restlessness, until they have no option but follow their path.

  • Lightworkers’ childhood was difficult, painful, and/or lonely.

  • Lightworkers are very compassionate, and they are always going out of their way to help others.  A lightworker’s very nature is that of a helper – often to the point where Lightworkers have trouble saying “no” to requests from people.

  • Lightworkers are empathic – Lightworkers can literally FEEL other people’s emotional states, particularly if they are in pain. Sometimes to the point where it can physically hurt.

  • Lightworkers tend to attract “wounded” people who need saving and healing.

  • Lightworkers give a lot. (Many Lightworkers get a little better at setting boundaries in relationships as they get older, simply because they learn the importance of their energy and also eventually get tired of being taken advantage of)

  • Lightworkers crave love and acceptance, yet have had a hard time finding it, and they feel discouraged from many years of rejection or misunderstood relationships that just don’t work out.

  • Although Lightworkers often feel lonely, they would often rather spend time alone than hang out with people who don’t understand their true self.

  • Lightworkers find themselves “faking it” to fit into social settings. To fit in or not be seen as “the weird one” in the room.

  • Lightworkers value peace and harmony. They don't like the drama that some seem to thrive on.

  • Lightworkers are not competitive and often don’t stick up for themselves.

  • Lightworkers dislike arguing and fighting (it might even make them feel ill). However, Lightworkers can become very angry when they see any person or any living thing being unjustly treated.

  • Acts of cruelly or unfair treatment to others is felt intensely (especially an underdog or defenceless animals or children).

  • Acts of cruelty in nature can be felt. They even cry when they see trees being cut down. In our last office, the owner cut forest down on his land to sell to a property developers. The feeling around that space was like something terrible had happened. All 3 of the empaths in our office knew something bad had happened, they could feel it in the air. So much so that we couldn't stay at that place and moved. 1 week after the move, residents received eviction notices and were struggling to find offices. In that time, we had moved and settled and started to plant more. A message from the trees when we asked if they were ok.

  • Lightworkers’ careers usually involve helping people in some way, shape, or form:  medicine, nurse, healing, counselling, social work, teaching, helping animals, helping nature and the environment, creative roles that bring happiness or raise vibration – any role that contributes to the well-being of humanity and the planet. 

  • Lightworkers’ careers are in creative fields such as art, music, writing, acting, designing jewellery – anything that makes use of inspired creativity and imagination.

  • Lightworkers may be naturally gifted in one or more areas of the creative arts.

  • Of course many Lightworkers’ careers are in the spiritual arena: psychic readings, Astrology charts readings, Feng Shui, Reiki, sound healing. Lightworkers are ministers, priestesses, yoga teachers, doing shamanic work, and so forth.

  • Even if you are not involved in the above three career categories, you gravitate towards them as a hobby, or you volunteer for causes you believe in, and so forth.

  • Lightworkers are not as materialistic as the general population. Lightworkers don’t care about status symbols, and fancy expensive stuff – as long as they have enough money to live decently, they are satisfied.

  • Lightworkers are sensitive and cry easily.

  • Lightworkers are not religious in the traditional sense (even if you were raised in a very religious household), yet they are deeply spiritual.

  • Lightworkers are interested in New Age topics in general, and in particular, feel drawn to any of the following: Science-fiction; ETs and UFOs; ancient civilisations such as Atlantis, Lemuria, ancient Egypt, etc

  • Lightworkers read books on self development, New Age topics or personal-growth topics.

  • Lightworkers tend to have dreams that are very vivid and interesting.

  • Lightworkers, as young children, may have seen aura's (this was me), angels, faries, the spirits of departed family members, or other beings of the spirit realm.  (And some of them still have this ability as adults)

  • Lightworkers may have had other so-called “supernatural” experiences throughout their lives (received information psychically, seen UFOs, orbs, etc.). Myself included. Lightworkers are not freaked out by supernatural events as many people are – in fact, they seem normal and natural to Lightworkers.

  • Lightworkers are not terrified of death like most people, because Lightworkers have a spiritual outlook on this subject, and you know that spirit lives on even after the body dies.

  • Lightworkers tend to really love music, art, nature and animals.

  • Lightworkers are drawn to natural foods, and may be vegetarian or vegan.

  • Lightworkers can be sensitive to loud sounds, strong smells and crowds.

  • Lightworkers suffer from (or are in recovery from) addictions such as alcohol and overeating. (Even if you do not fit the true definition of “addict,” you still may have a tendency to abuse certain substances.  This is an attempt to cope with or numb the psychological pain and depression you may feel at times.)

  • Lightworkers may have suffered from depression. (If you have sought psychological counseling, you may have been misdiagnosed or simply not found any real relief.)

  • Lightworkers, in general, have found it difficult to live in this world.  This planet is hard for Lightworkers to take, because there is so much violence, mindlessness, destruction, disregard for nature and all of earth’s creatures, and so forth.  Also, the rampant selfishness, deceitfulness, aggressiveness and greed in the population is disgusting to Lightworkers.

  • All their lives, Lightworkers have yearned to go Home (even if you don’t consciously remember where Home is), and they may even have thought about suicide when the pain feels overwhelming, or simply wished to die.  Some Lightworkers feel they don’t belong in this world. However, Lightworkers do know that they came to this planet to help, and as much as the weariness and sometimes loneliness of life gets here, Lightworkers are still here and still helping!)

If you fit the Lightworker profile, you have probably been experiencing certain things in your life lately such as:

  • A shrinking of your social life.  Many of your old friendships have ended for one reason or another, and you find yourself spending more and more time alone. If you are married to (or are in a relationship) with a person who is not spiritual and not a Lightworker, you may find yourself wanting to end that relationship at this time.

  • A desire to relocate, perhaps to a place you’ve never even been to or ever thought about before.

  • Feeling that you’ve lost interest in your old career, and an inner sense that there is something else you are “meant” to do, but it hasn’t revealed itself to you yet.

  • Feelings of being completely fed up, tired of your old life, and wanting massive CHANGE.

  • Sensing that something big is about to happen, and feeling like you are just waiting.

The above fits my profile to the letter. And goes some way to explain why we've taken the steps these last 2 years to change our careers to online businesses, to free us up to geographically be able to move to Bali, with our 2 children and find out our true soul mission.

A note from Fletch: The road to awakening can be an extremely lonely path. It feels as though you are withdrawing from everything you've ever known. If you've always know that you are a lightworker then not so. But for those just discovering this info for the first time. It can be super lonely, confusing, like a shedding of skin, a death of the old you. But it is also awe inspiring and amazing, as you awaken armed with new knowledge. A new view of the Universe and it's workings. And maybe you'll finally discover your souls mission of why you're here. And realise a skill set that you have to raise the Earths energy up. And this road to learning never stops. Please know that any loneliness is temporary and comes from a physical place of the ego. There are a whole tribe of lightworkers, the globe over. My advice when it all feels too lonely, is sit quietly and listen within. You will feel what's right and how things are. And when you have completed the true awakening process, you will find more and more of these people cross your path. New friendships, chance (or not so chance) meetings, signs, enlightened being. Maybe you have stumbled across this blog for the first time too. Stay open to the signs and opportunities to change yourself and humanity for the better. You are amazing and now is the time to help raise the consciousness of Mother Gaia in The Age of Light.

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Hey you! My name is Fletch, a Northern girl from the UK, living with the love of my life (aka Mr Be Nothing Like) and our 2 children, Lilly + Bertie Boo. We're about to embark on some big life moves, selling our things to move to the other side of the world, Bali, Indonesia to live a high vibe life of our dreams. You can find me in coffee shops working on my business (which runs passively), while researching on Instagram what to make for dinner. And at home (as I really am a home girl), world schooling my children, doing yoga, meditating, being in nature. I created this blog to share everything I have learnt about creating a freedom life. A life of your dreams, through harnessing energy + vibration to create a life where you feel happy, balanced, successful and free. A life you deserve. A life that you love. There is another way. I'm sharing everything that I know.

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