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The Evolution of Be Nothing Like - An Aura Photographer

Writer's picture: FletchFletch

Everything led us to where we are now.

In 2007, way back when I - Fletch met Si, it began with an Aura. Little did we both know that 15 years later - (15 years filled with a soul level love, a busy material life, 2 babies, 3 businesses, and a spiritual journey running alongside) all of this would bring us back to the present moment. A career working with the very thing that started it all... The Aura!

A little bit of context - We met way back in 2007. I'd got a temp job working in recruitment in an office in Manchester. This in itself was an unusual thing to have had me placed in the City, with people, doing work I never planned to be doing.

I'd been running my own business, home based, for the last 3 years, that had me working solo, isolated and very busy. Trying to grow. Too busy to meet people. Too busy to be bothered about meeting anybody. Only focused on growth. And survival. Money was tight and I'd gone to Mcr to hand my CV into temp agencies.

On the train into town, I met a guy who owned a recruitment company. We got chatting + he told me he was looking for a new member for the team and that I should go in to his office for a chat. I should point out at this time: he had a light of pastel rainbow colours radiating around him. He was hung over. And the light that I was seeing, somehow formed a magnetism that drew us together. This was the first 'proper' aura I had seen. I was so desperate for a job I put the colours and light to one side. I needed this job and couldn't let my weirdness stop this from happening.

I started work there the next day. The Universe at this part of the story already had a plan.

A few days working in this Manchester city centre office, I was sent to greet a new guy coming in for a job interview, this guy was Si. As I popped my head over the balcony and greeted him, I noticed something more than his shirt and tie. His physical body was there, eyes smiling, formality greetings - but there was a haze of light radiating from his whole body outwards in colours of mostly yellow, with slight tinges of reds and oranges. Not rainbow like the first time. This was quickly bypassed with the rush of reality and getting the new guy sat down, into the waiting room ready for his interview, as I went back to my desk etc. I took more notice of the light this time. This was the second 'proper' aura I had seen. I had seen waves + wiggles of light around people as a child. It was never strange and always felt comforting, safe and knowing. By this time, I'd already googled around and learnt that the body has it's own energetic field. And that this energetic field is made up of frequencies. Those frequencies created their own range of colours. This is the Aura.

This led me down the rabbit hole on energies, frequencies and vibrations. I was honoured that I'd seen this with my own eyes. I've always been so practical and come at things from a place of logic + science. When you see something with your own eyes, it's a lot easier to understand it. But more so I had felt the magnetism of the aura. When you feel something, it changes the whole landscape completely. LOVE is a feeling that we can't explain nor see, but when we FEEL it we KNOW it.

It was this magnetism that I'd felt and was drawn to + thus at that very moment I had met my soul partner. As he had in me. We moved in together after 2 weeks. Got sacked from the recruitment company (the Universe knew we didn't need it anymore, the bank balance not so). We started things. Businesses. Had babies. Did house renovations. Built a life together in the UK.

All with an undercurrent of healthy living, self development + lifelong learning about the mysticism's of the universe, life and energy. Like many, having questions - wondering what it was all about.

After years of working with energy flow through meditation, yoga, plant medicine, reiki (level ii trained) & my psychology degree. We as a duo have always been fascinated with both science and the mystical. Forces that can be explained through science and forces that exist but that we have yet to discover or explain with our current plane of understanding. Vibrational energy, frequency, quantum physics and the forces that we know to exist but that we cannot see or explain. But that we know are there.

Our previous businesses in Photography (we've had our work featured in high end publications including vogue), product design (we've worked with some of the worlds leading global brands), product development (we've worked with VIP royalty, heads of state, influencers, sportspeople, the worlds leading Forbes entrepreneurs) have all equipped us to continue this journey in our real lives with work that feels more aligned to the people we are. BE NOTHING LIKE is an exploration of earth energies, fulfilling our hearts and souls desires of what we feel like we should be doing with our lives. Acting on intuition + heart rather than learnt logic and the head . We're living from the heart here onwards. We need each other - we need the suns energy - we need alignment with the heart - we need travel - we need connection with likeminded people . All of which has felt without from our UK lives. We've sold our house and are uprooting from our life in the UK to take our business on tour and find our place in the world.

We are Fletch + Si . Be Nothing Like is an amalgamation of 16 years of us . Now following our true selves + the call of our souls to do something that we feel we should have always been doing. We realise that it was all a journey to get to this point. Everything led us to where we are now.

Be Nothing Like is a study of energy + the energetic field of the human form. It's a way for us to give a glimpse to the world that we are all more than just what we see. A look into our unique colour. Perhaps more importantly it's to remind us all of just how mystical, magical + beautiful we really are in our world + the Universe. It's all a journey + we are all connected. We hope to connect with you for your next event . Interested in Aura Photography for your next event see more about what we do here. We're booking dates for UK > IBIZA > BALI in 2023. Get in touch to book us.
