A Cup of Self Love - Pink Moon Milk Recipe
This Pink Moon Milk is a stress-busting beverage derived from Ayurvedic medicine, one of the oldest holistic healing systems in the world. Sip daily before bedtime, this moon milk recipe contains a blend of adaptogens and spices to help you fall into a blissful night's sleep.

Adaptogens help your body destress. The adaptogen we use, varies for different things we need at that particular time. We use ground ashwagandha powder here but feel free to swap for your fave. It assists in uplifting your mood, contains antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory qualities, and is an aphrodisiac.
Ashwagandha also helps regulate menstruation and I make this for myself and Lilly during that time, as this moon milk has uterine-tonifying properties to support you at any phase us in our monthly cycle. And Bertie likes to get in on the action too, cos it's sweet and milky (we make his sweeter) and he loves to just be involved and loved and part of the action. He's a loveable 8 year old boy that feels energy and loves hugs. So this milky moony hug in a mug is right up his street.
Swap the milk for your favourite milk too. We love cashew milk and this is the best and easiest recipe to make your own cashew milk.
Enjoy a cup of this moon milk as part of your Lunar Moon Rituals, Your Self Love Ritual or any time you are in need of a warm hug in a cup.
Serves: 2
Cook time: 10 minutes
Prep time: 5 minutes
Moon Milk Ingredients:
3 cups almond milk (change to suit your preferences: whole, almond, cashew, coconut)
2 teaspoon of your adaptogen - we use ground ashwagandha powder here
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon ginger
2 teaspoon rose powder
1 teaspoon hibiscus powder
2 teaspoon raw honey or other sweetener, or to taste (optional)
Moon Milk Recipe Instructions:
1. Combine the milk, ground ashwagandha, cinnamon, ginger in a small saucepan.
Bring to a gentle boil over medium heat, reduce the heat to low, cover, and
simmer for 10 minutes.
2. Strain the liquid through a fine mesh sieve into a mug. Add the rose and
hibiscus powders and whisk briskly by hand or with an electric frother, until
well combined. Let cool to the temperature you would like to drink it, then stir
in the honey, if desired.
Let me know how this fun recipe turned out for you by leaving a comment. I love getting your feedback!
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