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15 Powerful Pineal Gland Decalcifiers

Writer's picture: FletchFletch

Helping You To Unlock Your Inner Vision.

Today, I head out to a local market in Bali Indonesia, as I'm on the hunt for the 15 ingredients that we can't live without when it comes to decalcifying the pineal gland. We've been in Bali for 4 months now and have had these ingredients in drips and drabs. I like to have an apothecary full of these things so I can make my Pineal Potion, Heavy Metals Detox Shakes, Toxin Smoothie's, Blissful Sleep Moon Milks and we've been drinking far too much coffee during the day, I want to get back to sipping reishi tea (with a few magic ingredients) all to keep us on our spiritual path (that, yes life throws us off - even in Bali - a magical place). Life happens.

The importance of any practice is awareness and noticing when things have gotten off track or you're feeling off kilter. And this is the time for me. I know that these power ingredients are around in Bali. Most of them are grown in this climate and location, so I know that I can get the freshest ingredients. It's just that they're not packaged up and marketed in a way that we have back in the UK. I have to go local. I have to go to market and get brave with speaking the language and asking around. It's the way Bali works. You don't get anywhere without asking for help and fact finding the information from elders and people that already know. Until one day you know and are the one that people come to to ask. But I'm up for the challenge.

Armed with my Pineal Gland Shopping List that I made (for you to print this off yourself, share on your socials or save to photos on your phone to use as a shopping list yourself). Most of these ingredients will be readily available in the West at places like Amazon or your local health store. But from me, today, I'm on a mission in Bali.

I'll let you know how I get on sourcing these. And what I plan to do with them when I get back. I like to make lotions and potions around here!

My History With The Pineal Gland?

Back in my undergraduate days, where I studied the brain at length during my neuroscience lectures, (I have an old degree in Psychology + Neuroscience from the early 2000's), the pineal gland was a briefly touched upon subject relating the the wider Limbic System. Pretty much a one day lecture never, really to be mentioned again. I intuitively knew back then that what I was being taught wasn't what I was hoping I'd be being taught.

You see, I saw education as a gift back then. And I still do. But the types of schools I was hoping to get educated at just didn't exist back then. Or they did but they were buried so deep for me that I didn't know that they existed. I saw education as a way to get out of the situation of a shitty hand of life that you may have been dealt (my situation) and I grabbed hold of this learning with both hands and pursued 'the gift of education'. I closed off from my intuitive feelings to pursue my goal based, results driven path that I knew was the key to this better life. Little did In know that the answers were all in me. As they are in you. It's a matter of where you go to school. Incidentally, once I reverse this way of thinking, switched from living a mind based, goal led, results driven (and miserable - depressed) existence and started to go within, meditate, connect to my intuition, live from the heart space, awaken the third eye and go through a whole healing / awakening and then spiritual awakening journey, did my dreams start to unfold and information that was meant for me started finding me. In the way of downloads from the sun and people that I was meant to meet. Mine was awakening education. When I'd all but given up on learning. This is the Universes way.

What is the Pineal Gland?

The pineal gland, often referred to as the third eye or the seat of the soul, is a gateway to higher consciousness, intuition, and spiritual awakening. I knew it back then as a little un-meaningful blob at the middle of the brain, not needing to be studied or remembered for an exam.

What I now know is that pretty much everything we're told is not important is actually important. What is actually bad for you so stay away, is actually mostly probably good for you. And that "conspiracy theories" mostly always are based on truth (in the end).

So these life truths become flipped on their head once you have an awakening.

Physically, the pineal gland is a small, pea-sized endocrine organ located deep within the brain. It plays a crucial role in regulating sleep patterns and circadian rhythms through the production of melatonin.

Why is the Pineal Gland So Important Spiritually?

The pineal gland is perhaps one of THE most important things to know about when it comes to your awakening or raising consciousness journey. View your pineal gland as the cosmic antenna.

However, most people have a calcified pineal gland. Modern life can cause this sacred gland to become calcified, preventing us from tapping into our full potential.

But nature always provides and there are ways that we can de-calcify the pineal gland over time.

What is a Calcified Pineal Gland?

Calcification of the pineal gland refers to the accumulation of calcium deposits within the gland. This process is often seen as a natural part of aging, similar to how other tissues in the body can become calcified over time. But the western lifestyle that we live, can also accelerate pineal gland calcification.

Including our exposure to toxins, metals in the air and food and drink that we eat. High levels of sugar, processed foods, and lack of nutrients play a role in the health of the pineal gland.

Exposure to medicines, fluoride and certain chemicals have been linked to increased calcification. There's a full blog post about this here.

How To Decalcify Your Pineal Gland?

By looking at nature we have a toolbox of powerful allies that our ancestors knew and used, but that we have somehow forgot. Powerful adaptogens, superfoods, herbs that work with our neuroplasticity and help the pineal gland reactivate - switch on to the cosmic forces that are around. Limiting our exposure to toxins, heavy metals, fluoride, chemicals in food, drink and water, meditation, relaxation techniques are the first steps. Then level up with 15 power plants that help reverse and clean up the Pineal Gland health.

Here are 15 of the most powerful herbs and natural allies to help decalcify, detoxify, and reactivate your pineal gland for expanded awareness, deeper meditation, and cosmic connection. All of which are on my shopping list in Bali today.

You can read more about each super herb by clicking on each one to take you to a more detailed description below and how you can use each one for your pineal gland. I may also do some videos of these power houses if you think these would be a good addition to the blog - let me know on that one as I don't want to do the work if no one's interested in that.

15 Natural Powerful Pineal Gland Decalcifiers:

Read on to find out how each of these 15 powerful super herbs and natural allies can help decalcify, detoxify, and reactivate your pineal gland. Whether that's for expanded awareness, deeper meditation, or cosmic connection. Or you just want to start looking to nature for remedies rather than what we are prescribed. There is a reason you've been guided here. AS I learnt on my own journey, the people, information, blogs, etc come to you when they are meant for you. And it's about tuning into our own intuition to work out whether the information is for us or not for us at every point. Never stopping asking those questions.

1. Mucuna

This magical plant restores dopamine levels, essential for brain function and emotional clarity. In terms of decalcifying the pineal gland, Mucuna enhances neurotransmitter balance, creating a clearer pathway for intuitive signals to flow. It promotes joy, reduces anxiety, and reconnects you to your higher self, making the third eye shine brighter.

How to Use Mucuna for decalcifying the pineal gland: A natural mood enhancer, take this regularly to clear mental fog and align with your inner vision.

2. Reishi

Reishi is known as the “mushroom of immortality” in Taoist practices. This adaptogenic ally not only boosts your immune system but also balances stress, which is crucial in opening the third eye. By reducing the cortisol that clouds spiritual perception, Reishi allows your pineal gland to function as the cosmic antenna it was always meant to be.

How to Use Reishi for decalcifying the pineal gland: Sip on Reishi tea or take capsules to reduce internal stress and amplify your connection to higher dimensions.

3. Algae

Algae is packed with nutrients that help detoxify heavy metals—one of the major causes of pineal gland calcification. Chlorophyll-rich, algae binds to toxins and flushes them from the body, leaving you spiritually clear and pure like the oceans of cosmic consciousness.

How to Use Algae for decalcifying the pineal gland: Incorporate spirulina or chlorella into your smoothies to detox and nourish your energy centres.

4. Passionflower

Passionflower calms the nervous system, which is essential for deepening meditation and tuning into higher frequencies. The more relaxed your mind, the more open your pineal gland becomes, allowing spiritual visions to emerge with clarity.

How to Use Passionflower for decalcifying the pineal gland: Drink passionflower tea before meditation or sleep to calm your mind and activate lucid dreaming.

5. Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle’s potent detoxifying properties cleanse the liver, but it’s also a powerful spiritual cleanser. By removing toxins that affect the mind and body, it promotes energy flow and clears blockages around the third eye.

How to Use Milk Thistle for decalcifying the pineal gland: Take Milk Thistle regularly to support both physical detoxification and spiritual purification.

6. Albizzia

Known as the “Tree of Happiness,” Albizzia works directly with the heart chakra to lift emotional stress and align you with higher vibrations of love and peace. When your emotions are balanced, your pineal gland is free to function without the weight of anxiety or grief holding it down.

Use: Incorporate Albizzia to raise your emotional vibration and open the heart-mind connection.

7. Ginkgo

Ginkgo increases circulation to the brain, enhancing focus and mental clarity. For the pineal gland, this circulation also means better oxygen flow to this sacred centre, breaking up calcification and allowing intuition to become sharper.

How to Use Ginko for the Pineal Gland: Take Ginkgo daily for enhanced cognitive function and third eye awakening.

8. Blue Lotus

Sacred in ancient Egyptian mysticism, Blue Lotus is revered for its ability to promote deep meditative states and enhance spiritual visions. Its vibrational properties directly stimulate the third eye, preparing it to receive cosmic downloads and subtle frequencies.

How to Use Blue Lotus for the Pineal Gland: Add Blue Lotus to your teas or tinctures to promote euphoric states and heighten your intuitive powers.

9. Gotu Kola

A known brain tonic in Ayurvedic medicine, Gotu Kola enhances mental clarity and longevity. By improving memory and focus, it clears the mental clutter that often obscures the wisdom of the third eye.

How To Use Gotu Kola for Decalcifying the Pineal Gland: Integrate Gotu Kola into your routine for a clearer mind and more potent spiritual insight.

10. Noni

Noni strengthens the body and purifies the energetic field. It clears toxins that affect not only your physical health but also the energetic vibrations surrounding the pineal gland. In doing so, Noni helps restore your third eye’s full power to receive higher consciousness messages.

How to Use to Help The Pineal Gland: Regularly consume Noni to rejuvenate your aura and support a clear third eye.

11. Shizandra

Shizandra is a powerful adaptogen that promotes longevity and vitality. On a metaphysical level, it sharpens psychic abilities and enhances spiritual sight. It works to decalcify the pineal gland by balancing hormones and harmonising internal energies.

How To Use To Decalcify The Pineal Gland: Take Shizandra to fortify both your physical and spiritual bodies, preparing you for deeper inner vision.

12. Moringa

Moringa is a superfood rich in antioxidants that protect your cells from damage, including the pineal gland. Its high nutrient profile supports cellular detox, helping to eliminate harmful substances that calcify the third eye. It acts as a bridge between physical vitality and spiritual illumination.

How To Use Moringa to decalcify the Pineal Gland: Add Moringa to your daily diet to support full-body detox and activate your spiritual centres.

13. Chaga

Chaga mushroom is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight free radicals in the body. It also grounds spiritual energy while decalcifying the pineal gland, balancing the root and crown chakras to create a complete circuit of energetic flow.

How To Use Chaga for Decalcifying the pineal gland: Drink Chaga tea to detoxify, ground, and strengthen your connection to higher frequencies.

14. Aloe

Aloe’s soothing properties calm both body and mind, creating a peaceful internal environment where the pineal gland can flourish. It also assists in the detoxification process, allowing your spiritual vision to clear as the body purifies itself.

How To Use Aloe for The Pineal Gland: Incorporate Aloe into your routine for its soothing and cleansing benefits, allowing your mind and spirit to relax.

15. Turmeric

Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties are well-known, but it also has potent detoxifying abilities that can decalcify the pineal gland. By reducing inflammation and supporting overall brain health, it clears the pathway for deeper spiritual insights.

How to Use Tumeric for Pineal Gland Decalcification: Add turmeric to your meals or consume as a tea to support spiritual and physical clarity.

Guided Insight

Decalcifying the pineal gland is about more than just physical detox. It’s about restoring the spiritual connection to our higher selves and the universe at large. A energetic detox as well as physical. As we clean and purify the body with these natural gifts from the earth, we realign with the cosmic consciousness that is our birthright. Use these allies wisely and integrate them into your daily practices. As you do, you will begin to notice subtle shifts—your dreams will become more vivid, your intuition will sharpen, and your connection to the infinite will deepen.

Fundamental Things to consider and remember when opening your third eye / pineal gland activation:

Brain Health - Reach for things that will restores dopamine levels, enhance neurotransmitter balance and enhance mood. Things such as Mucuna. Things that increase circulation to the brain, enhancing focus and mental clarity, such as Ginkgo. The brain has the ability to regenerate - it has neuroplasticity. The things you put into your body can aid this re-generation to re-grow synapses and cells at a 'miracle' level. What is housed inside the brain is your gateway to the cosmic realm.

Balance Your Emotions - The aim is to raise your emotional vibration and open the heart-mind connection. Balanced emotions allow you to feel good. Feeling good allows us to vibrate at a higher frequency. This vibration follows the Universal laws whereby your vibe attracts your tribe. Things happen in reality based on what our vibration was previously. So aim for high vibrational feelings here. And I don't mean happy all the time, because life happens, but self awareness helps you understand when your emotions are out of check. And by emotions I mean vibration. It's absolutely the right thing to do, to feel emotions, sit with them and really feel them. But it's important to be able to release those for what they were and then move past them to choose a different emotion that on a vibrational level is better. Things such as Albizzia help to balance emotions and raise vibrations to love and peace, which lifts emotional stress, and helps you connect to the heart chakra.

Balances Stress Levels - Balance those stress levels to reduce your cortisol levels. Things like adaptagenics such as Reishi mushrooms will help here. This adaptogenic ally balances stress.

Balance Hormones - A fundamental of pineal gland activation, balancing hormones balancing the endocrine system as a whole is important for harmonising internal energies and vibration. Things like the powerful adaptogen, Shizandra will help here.

Detoxify from Heavy Metals - One of the major causes of pineal gland calcification. You should start a detox schedule. Where you do routine detoxes to help with de-calcification. remembering that our environment is continually adding to this build up. Things like spirulina or chlorella help. Algae is packed with nutrients that binds to toxins and flushes them from the body to help detoxify heavy metals.

Detox from Toxins. As above. Things like Milk Thistle cleanse the liver to promote energy flow and clear blockages around the third eye. Noni - Clears toxins and purifies the energetic field to increase the energetic vibrations surrounding the pineal gland.

Moringa - A full body detox and cellular detox superfood. An antioxidant rich superfood that protect your cells and the pineal gland from damage. Spiritually it's a bridge between physical vitality and spiritual illumination.

Regulate the Nervous System Calm the nervous system with Passionflower Tea - Drink passionflower tea before meditation or sleep to calm your mind, calm the nervous system for deepening meditation and tuning into higher frequencies.

Your Pineal Gland De-Calsification Shopping List:

This list of powders, herbs, adaptogens mentioned above that you can store in your apothecary to add to your daily intake through smoothies, supplements, teas. These will work alongside your other de-calcifying aids such as reducing fluoride intake, stop drinking tap water, swapping to organic foods etc.

Shopping List

Mucuna Powder

Spirulina or Chlorella

Reishi Tea or Powder

Passionflower tea


Blue Lotus Flower Tincture



Gotu Kola





Your Meditation Shopping List:

Passionflower Tea - Drink passionflower tea before meditation or sleep to calm your mind, calm the nervous system for deepening meditation and tuning into higher frequencies.

Blue Lotus Flower Tincture - Heighten your intuitive powers, tap into subtle frequencies and prepare the third eye to receive cosmic downloads. This one's a game changer. Promotes deep meditative states and enhanced spiritual visions.

Chaga - Balances the root and crown chakras to create a complete circuit of energetic flow and ground your spiritual energy.

Your Detox Shopping List:

Spirulina or chlorella - Algae is packed with nutrients that binds to toxins and flushes them from the body to help detoxify heavy metals.

Milk Thistle - Cleanse the liver with Mil Thistle’s potent detoxifying properties to promote energy flow and clear blockages around the third eye.

Noni - Clears toxins and purifies the energetic field. Increases the energetic vibrations surrounding the pineal gland.

Moringa - A full body detox and cellular detox superfood. An antioxidant rich superfood that protect your cells and the pineal gland from damage. Spiritually it's a bridge between physical vitality and spiritual illumination.

Tumeric - Supporting overall brain health to decalcify the pineal gland.

Your Mood Enhancing Shopping List (often linked with brain health):

Mucuna - To restore dopamine levels promoting joy, reducing anxiety, and reconnecting you to your higher self.

Reishi - This adaptogenic ally not only boosts your immune system but also balances stress.

Albizzia - To raise vibrations to love and peace, which lifts emotional stress, and helps you connect to the heart chakra.

Ginkgo - Increase circulation to the brain to enhance focus and mental clarity. Better oxygen flow to the pineal gland.

Gotu Kola - Enhance mental clarity, improve memory and focus and clear the mental clutter.

Chaga - Fight free radicals with this powerful antioxidant. To ground your spiritual energy by balancing the root and crown chakras to create a complete circuit of energetic flow.

Tumeric - Supporting overall brain health by reducing inflammation.

Open your third eye, unlock your true potential, and step into the fullness of your spiritual power.

Other Related items you may be interested in:

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And always leave a comment below if this page has helped you. I only write and share stuff on the blog to help you. So let me know. Does it help? Did you get something from it? And what do you want to know going forward? I am at your service, Fletchy McFletchface xx

