174Hz Solfeggio Frequency - Unlock Your Healing For Pain Relief & Peace
The 174 hz Solfeggio frequency can be listened to as pure tone (listen below) or used in music to create focused meditations or yoga practices specifically to suit the group or session.

The 174Hz Solfeggio Frequency - The frequency of the earths energy. The healing frequency for the physical body. 174Hz is Used for Pain relief: Helps to alleviate physical pain in the body (particularly in the back, legs and feet). To relax muscles and lessen tension in the body. To relieve headaches. To reduce stress. Listen to the pure tone 174Hz Solfeggio frequency here
The Solfeggio frequencies or Solfeggio scale is a range of electromagnetic frequencies that when listened to change the frequency of the space where they sound out as well as that of the listener. They have an effect physically as well as emotionally & spiritually.
Everything in the universe is made of matter. Matter is made up of atoms. And the atoms in our bodies, the molecules and atoms in inanimate objects, thoughts, consciousness and sounds - are all moving & vibrating. These vibrations resonate at their own frequency. The number of vibrations per seconds is known as "frequency", which is measured in Hz.
We of course can’t hear all of these frequencies but everything is making its own song. There’s the technology now to hear what the stars sound like which is pretty beautiful.
174 Hz Solfeggio Frequency
Is the Frequency of the Earth's Energy and also the healing frequency for the physical body. 174Hz is Used To relieve physical pain in the body.
The Solfeggio scale's lowest frequency, 174 Hz, is the frequency of the Earth, which establishes a link between humans and the earth. 174 Hz operates as an energy anaesthetic, and it is excellent for relieving tension and pain. 174 Hz promotes a sense of security and has a mellow, calming quality. As a result of listening to 174 Hz, your muscles will relax, and will cause you to feel less stressed.
Every single thing in our Universe is composed of Energy, Frequency, and Vibration. This frequency aids in the alleviation of back, leg, and foot pain, alongside migraines and stress. Additionally, 174 Hz may just be an excellent approach to alleviate emotional trauma.

174 Hz Solfeggio Benefits
174 Hz has an incredible aid in resolving mental anguish. Individuals who have experienced the loss of a loved one or who have forgotten how to live blissfully can benefit from this solfeggio tone.
174 Hz contains a variety of nodes and background tones that have a direct effect on the chakras, while also generating the healing power and energy that helps you feel better.
174 Hz acts like magic on the brain tissues, enhancing emotional strength while promoting a sense of security, love, and courage.
174 Hz aids in the rapid healing of a person.
174 Hz will assist in the alleviation of back pain, foot pain, leg pain, lower back pain, migraines, and stress.
174 Hz acts as a natural aesthetic and assist in the healing of sickness.
Hear The 5 minute 174 Hz Solfeggio Frequency Pure Tone Here:
The human ear can actually only hear a very limited range of vibrations per second [ 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz (20 kHz) ]. We hardly hear anything of what is really going on out there.
Whereas dolphins and bats are capable of hearing sound up to 100 kHz. More advanced beings & entities even more. So you can see how limited the human capacity for hearing sounds is.
The Solfeggio Frequencies are 9 different pure tones / notes ranging from 174Hz to 963Hz that help heal and raise consciousness. If you’re on a spiritual journey, The Solfeggio frequencies will be one of the best tools to know about in your toolkit for sounds to heal trauma, clear energy blockages and raise consciousness to open the pineal gland and beyond. Solfeggio frequencies, interact with your brain to generate vibrations in your body. Just knowing what they were in the early days helped me to understand why I was feeling the way I was when around different frequencies. The sounds give you a little bit of what you need. Whether you’re at the beginning of an awakening and just need to take time out to relax after a busy day. Have better sleep. Release stress. Or you are working through a lot of childhood trauma or emotional trauma through chakra balancing meditations. Or are a seasoned meditator looking at raising your consciousness to the next level. It’s like having your own little medicine cabinet of sounds. Each frequency for different things.
To fully understand how solfeggio frequencies work, you first need to know about the Schumann Resonance.
The Schumann Resonance and Solfeggio Frequencies
The Schumann Resonance, also referred to as "Earth's Heartbeat," is the electromagnetic frequency that vibrates between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere, the boundary where the Earth's atmosphere meets space.
The vibrations surround us, aligning with the five brain wave states we go through in a day: delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma.
An excess or deficiency of any of these brain waves can cause chaos in both the mind and body.
Listening to solfeggio frequencies stimulates and balances brain wave patterns which also has the potential to evoke a strong physical or mental reaction.

You might also like: All 9 of The Solfeggio Frequencies can be listened to here:
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