Aura photography for events – What is the typical reaction to the ultimate selfie ?
Aura photography is an amazing addition to any event. Obviously we’re biased, but don’t just take our word for it. We both strongly believe that it’s all about people, so here’s a few words on how people find the aura portrait experience.

Aura photos of all colours, ready for reading.
We found aura photography as we are both fascinated by things like this. We are both a bit far out, don’t really follow the normie way of living and thinking I guess. That’s why the brand is called BE NOTHING LIKE. It’s about being a bit different and being true to yourself.
When we shoot auras at events, especially the larger ones, it can be a huge melting pot of so many very different people, different races, religions, backgrounds, nationalities and personalities. If you think that in a huge room, full of hundreds, sometimes thousands of people that you don’t know…. There’s always going to be some you vibe with and some you don’t, it’s all part of human nature. When we are at an event, shooting aura portraits we are in the middle of this, talking to and engaging with people, we get to meet a lot of people. This is one of the main things that we love about doing this, it’s the people. People really are what make the world go round and what keep things interesting. So when people come over to chat about the aura photography, or to have their aura portrait taken we find there’s usually 3 vibes that people have, when they head over to our pod.
See some more details about our aura photography pod for events here.
When Clare met me, she said that she could see an aura around me, she said it was attracted me to her… I thought it was more my stunning good looks and sparkling personality, wit and humour…. But never mind, I’m happy with a good aura, I think that’s probably one of the most amazing things that anyone’s ever said about me, so I guess we have always had auras in our life, it’s kind of how we met. So when you are into this sort of thing and you believe in other powers etc, you naturally find more things along this path and so we heard about aura photography and thought it was an amazing way to find out a little bit more about yourself and maybe learn something that you could use to make yourself and the world around you a little bit better. So we were all for it, to cut a long story short, that’s why we now travel around photographing peoples auras.
So this gives us our first type of person that walks up to our pod and wants an aura portrait taken. This is the type of person that knows about aura photography and really wants to have it done, we get this type of person a lot at events, someone who has heard that we will be at the event and is super excited to come and have an aura portrait. This type of person is usually one of the first up… Some even forgo the buffet and come straight to us. To know that you have been prioritised over quiche and sausage rolls is a special feeling. We know we have to deliver a great experience for these people as they are really looking forward to the experience. Naturally they are usually the easiest to talk to and explain their aura, as they already have an element of understanding, but they are also usually very knowledgeable so we have a much more in depth discussion. We have ended up talking for ages with some people, the conversation can lead on to many other topics about personality, feelings, spirituality, work, family and soooo much more.
We then have another type of vibe coming over, this can be the type of person that doesn’t really know what aura photography is, doesn’t really understand it, but thinks it sounds interesting so wants to come over and see what it’s all about. They are interested, maybe they don’t know why they’re interested but they are feeling that they want to do it, usually after watching the process and having a chat with us, they go for it. The reaction from this type of person can be one of the most rewarding, as they are open to learning about new ideas, they don’t have any preconceptions, the reaction is usually one of genuine amazement as they see themselves as they’ve never seen themselves before. Surrounded by colour. We do find that this type of person really gets something from the experience, it’s a nice feeling and a little comforting and inspiring to remind yourself that you are more than just a number, you are a person, you are special, unique and amazing and you have qualities that no one else has. I do think that in this crazy, busy, hectic world it’s easy to forget that we are all people and we matter, so to see someone reminded of this, is a good feeling. For them and for us. We can genuinely feel the joy in some people when we talk them through this. We are all energy and you can feel that. Sometimes someone just needs a little visual cue to help them see this and if we can provide that for them and make them feel even just a bit better then we are happy too.
Now, very occasionally we do have someone that doesn’t really want to have an aura portrait, they don’t believe in all of this, they don’t see the point, what a load of ****, you get it…. A bit of a negative Nancy let’s say ;o)
To be honest these are usually the most fun ones. We just try to encourage them to have an open mind and if they want to….. just try it, try something new, a bit different…. Go on, be a devil. When they do, they are more often than not impressed, even if they sometimes don’t like to show it. The aura portrait can be pretty accurate so when they do actually see a little bit of themselves on that photo, they start to warm up a bit. To believe that maybe we are all a little bit magic.
So, it works and everyone can take a little bit of something from the experience.

Sometimes a surprise is revealed...
No matter how many times we do this, we never stop being amazed at what we find out about when we speak to people. We see so many different colours, patterns on peoples auras and it still wows us to this day the differences in people. We love to see how peoples different auras can also match to their job. At a large event we can shoot everyone from the creative designer, to the MD and it’s great to see how the different type of person that is suited to these job roles has a different aura that relates to them and their job role.
So the basic takeaway is that Aura photography works super well for events and that everyone gets something out of it. We’ve had some people that we could literally have talked to all night, if we had time. They loved it that much, they got so much out of it, but not just them, their friends, colleagues and also people they’ve never met before. We do find that usually our photography pod has a little bit of a group around it, all chatting, comparing and contrasting their aura portraits with each other and saying things like “oooh, that’s soooo you”. We love to get involved to, we’ve met so many amazing, interesting and beautiful people through doing this and we know that a lot of others have connected to, maybe people that would have passed each other by in the office without this little connection.
I guess you could say that it really brings people together, by showing them what is unique about themselves and I personally think that’s an amazing thing. Wouldn’t the world be a much better place if everyone could just be themselves and everyone else celebrated that. We really love this about Aura photography and honestly, seeing this type of reaction and effect from what we do makes us so happy, we really love to share this feeling and hope that we can bring a little bit of this human togetherness to your event too.

But nearly always a happy reaction.
Even the negative Nancy can leave happy too, as even if they are still sceptical, they have a nice little photo of themselves…. And who doesn’t love a selfie right. That’s why we call the aura portrait the ultimate selfie.
Do you want to find out how the ultimate selfie could go down at your event, drop us a line here and we can talk you through all of the possibilities.
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And always leave a comment below if this page has helped you. I only write and share stuff on the blog to help. So let me know. Does it help? Did you get something from it? And what do you want to know going forward? I am at your service, Fletchy McFletchface xx