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Why I'm Starting a YouTube Channel over 40
What's Stopping You From Achieving Your Dreams + Goals Right Now?
The Power of Starting - Lose the Fear + Just Start
The Growth Plan: Thumbnails - How to Create Intriguing Thumbnails
Using Canva To Create Stunning Thumbnails
Using Chat GPT to Write SEO Optimized Titles + Descriptions For YouTube Videos
Have you ever wanted to start your own YouTube Channel? But don't know where to start? As a. Mum over 40, I felt like that too. I wasn't confident enough to start. Or I didn't think I was. Let me tell you this: Your thoughts are the only thing that will limit you and stop you. Change your thoughts. Change your life.
I didn't have a clue where or how to start. So I set myself a challenge to start and grow my own channel to earn another passive income stream from it. See my growth journey here.
Anyone can earn income from YouTubing about their hobbies / passion and skills. Or things that you know about that really light you up - and you can GET PAID FOR THAT! Can you imagine a check coming in every month from Your YouTube Channel. There are many ways to earn through YouTube. Not just ads and we share everything here.
We lost our business during covid and were left with nothing - (watch my deeply personal video about it here) - zero income coming into our families home - with 2 children - it was a confusing time. From this gut wrenching experience, we knew that we had to find other ways to ensure that were were never relying on just one income source again. We started researching and learning new skills to allow us to earn online and remotely to never have that stuck and fear ridden scenario - ever - again! And we have never looked back! In just 2 years, we're earning more than we ever could from our standard job and standard business, travelling the world with our kids. We have a house paid off. We are earning in many different ways, all online - that are giving us a passive income and the freedom to live life on our terms. And we want this closed and often quite secretive info burst right open to help others that are feeling stuck RIGHT NOW to take action and change their lives. This is our blog where we share all the ways that we get to live this dream life. And it really is a dream if you follow our socials you'll see what we get up to on the daily.
If you have: A Brain | A Phone + Computer with Wifi - then you too can do this. Whether it's to supplement and work alongside your 9-5 income, start a business to fully take over your 9-5 earnings, or just earn extra cash to have for the little luxuries or holidays. There are so many ways to earn online now and we earn everything online.
YouTube is one of the best ways to earn money online. In this section you'll learn everything I know on why you should start a channel, how to grow a channel to monetization, how to scale a Youtube Channel for growth with the sole purpose to monetize it. For Your Financial Freedom Life!

And work on your terms. From anywhere.
Building your dream and not somebody elses.
Become a Youtuber. Or Start a Youtube Channel to start a side hustle.
The best time to start anything was yesterday.The second best time is right now.
There is so much opportunity right now to earn online and start living life on your terms. We want to help as many people as possible to start living the life they dream of.
Use everything that we share on our blog to get your own online business up + running today. First up by brainstorming, finding your interests, skills and expertise to hone in on Finding Your Niche. Then building an online business around that. Monetise what you know. And starting a YouTube Channel is no exception.
Use our guides to help you in your YouTube Monetization Journey to apply the exact same growth strategy to your own channel that we did to grow and monetize our own YouTube Channel. NOTE: We are in the early stages of setting up our YouTube channel, which allows you to be able to track and monitor it's growth. With our weekly growth videos.
You were not born to be a slave, working a job that you don't like until retirement. The chances are most of us will not even get to retirement with the retirement age increasing. The employment landscape is changing too. Most of the jobs you see today, will not exist in 20 years. This is a good thing. There is opportunity in change. We should all be looking at ways to monitise the digital space. Because in my opinion digital is where it's at.
I have created a life where I can work from anywhere in the world with my online businesses. And I'm sharing everything here to get others creating their beautiful dream life. I'm currently in beautiful Bali, with my 2 children and Guy (who a runs his own online businesses (using my tried and tested strategy that works!).
Everything in life is teachable and learnable and that's exactly what I am doing here. I shall learn first, lead by example, and then show you exactly how I did it.
Youtube earnings potential is Huge. Like HUGE HUGE. In my view having a YouTube channel is something that anybody with a passion, skill or interest, should be using. So what are you waiting for. Start looking at what niche you could serve and solve a problem for that niche. The start creating content around that niche.
Everybody has a skill or something that someone else wants to know about or share. You might not think it but it's true.
Find your own niche around your own story, feelings, passion, knowledge or experience and you have the winning formula for setting up your own YouTube channel. YouTube is a business, so by applying our experience in the online business world, we want to show how you can monetize YouTube as a business too. Harnessing your skills / passions / trauma's that you overcame or are even working through right now maybe. You might think you have no skills to offer. Or you might now even know where to start. You are wrong about the first part. There is so much that you know, that others don't and would pay to know. And for the latter: I CAN SHOW YOU. My best bit of advice is to START TODAY - Start making related content around your niches to sell to your people that will help them solve a problem or pain that they have. Or make their life better by entertaining them. Check out the Psychology of why people buy. It's the EXACT same reason for why someone would click on your YouTube channel and watch. Then if your content fits, they subscribe for more. Learn how to distribute your videos so you attract your people!
Earning with our online businesses keeps us free to fit work in on our terms, and allows us to be present for the kids, to have fun, travel, and world school them. And best of all since taking the leap, we're earning more than we ever could in our old lives. Working less hours than we've ever worked (we were slaves to our old jobs). We only wish we did it sooner. And now we're showing others how to do it too.
Tools to help you Start + Scale Your YouTube Channel to Achieve Monetization
Helpful tools + Resources if you are thinking about starting a YouTube Channel or Trying to grow a Channel from ground zero to monetization - I'm giving away the below free learning resources that I've put together. That have helped me start a channel as a Mum over 40, the growth journey to monetization and beyond. Heck, some of you will have watched me do this from the very beginning. I'm sharing everything I can to inspire Mum's and Dad's on their own freedom life journey.
Some freebies I made, that might be helpful for you :)
Free Want to Start Earning Online? Leverage Canva to Start Making Money! Get my Free EBOOK showing you all the many ways that you can use Canva to start earning money online. This could be the beginning of the rest of your life.
Get organised and stop video overwhelm with My YouTube Video Production and Distribution Checklist.
To ensure you doing the most you can on getting eyes on every video ensuring your success for channel growth!
An Instant Free EBook. If you're struggling (like I was) to create SEO-optimized titles and keyword-rich video descriptions for YouTube... then you NEED this!